Unforgettable Movie with Unforgettable Stars

“Unforgettable” Movie!

Negotiations are still “in the works” for the film project, Unforgettable”, a film Produced by Karen G. Cadle in association with Carlos Mundy and Tantric Productions in Madrid, Spain. An independent Spanish production to be filmed in English, “Unforgettable” will star four of the world’s most remembered “legends”. Financing is complete and filming should begin in September, 2016 in Jodhpur, India.

Karen Cadle is very proud to have created this Unforgettable project and is thrilled that the following stars have now agreed to star in this film: Franco Nero, Joan Collins, and Ms. Marisa Berenson. Casting continues and those stars will be announced as soon as possible.

Balsamand Lake Palace Hotel

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